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Maemo Sync packages April 2, 2008

Posted by Florian in GPE, Maemo, Source.

I have made an installable package for Maemo Sync, but do not expect too much. Its a basic port of the current Multisync-gui to Maemo. It is only tested to so far that the GUI starts up and registeres correctly. The fact that I had to use cmake for building Maemo software caused some headaches here… the quality of the source distribution package is still quite bad.

I also did not decide if I want it to become a project forked from Multisync-gui or to maintained with Multisync-gui adding optional support for Maemo environment. The always changing OpenSync API would be a reason to stay with Multisync-gui, but the fact that I have different opinions about UI design, Glade is involved and cmake are reasons for making it a separate project.

Binary package and sources are located here. You also need the OpenSync packages from Graham’s daily repository.

Another minor improvement of the GPE application packages in this repository is that latest Starling supports OGG playback. You only need to have an OGG plugin for GStreamer installed. The mogg package provides this for example.

Any feedback is welcome – if you manage to sync data with either the command line tool msynctool or using Maemo Sync please drop me a line. I would like to collect information which sync peers work with latest OpenSync and how to set up these.



1. turn.self.off - April 2, 2008

isnt the 0.3x opensync stuff labeled as unstable? as in, if one want reliable service one should use the 0.22 release?

2. Florian - April 2, 2008

Well, I would consider the 0.2x branch to become unmaintained soon. There is not much use in developing a new tool basing on the old API and waiting for 0.4 to arrive. I guess once the GUI starts to become stable OpenSync will do the same… if it is not even faster.

3. CTIA Wireless… não tem nada de CTIA hoje | Pinguins Móveis - April 3, 2008

[…] pessoal do Maemo não pára: talvez você precise de um leitor de RSS novo, testar sua sorte sincronizando o Maemo+GPE, saber sobre aplicações Web que se dão bem com o browser dos ITs, ou então precisar de um […]

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